Author: Christopher Hersl

Is 50 Million Strong Meeting the Needs of the Profession or Children?

Author’s Note:  I wrote this on October 18th of 2016 and shared it with a few colleagues.  I held off publishing it because it’s just my opinion and I’m not sure that non-profits should be critiqued.  I’m publishing it upon return from Boston as a concerned professional – Chris Hersl

What if you had a party and no one knew they were invited?  When no one shows up is it an insult to the host or the reality that the message didn’t get out there?  As health and physical education professionals we are living out the party analogy in real life with SHAPE America’s 50 Million Strong campaign that calls on, “…all of America’s health and physical educators to unite and focus on a common purpose — getting all of the nation’s children physically active, enthusiastic and committed to making healthy lifestyle choices.”

Healthy lifestyle choices seems like an admirable goal. Personally, if my 6 and 3 year old were enthusiastically choosing healthy options, engaging in physical activity I would feel very content as a parent.  So great, I’m a health and physical educator and I’m ready to do it; but what is it?  SHAPE America’s website dedicates an entire section to the 50 Million Strong movement.  Excitedly, I see that there are three places I can start; Commit, Champion and Advocate.