Month: November 2013

Society of Health and Physical Educators, America (SHAPE America) Gets My Vote

Roberta Park, a noted physical education historian, has suggested that physical education (and I would also include health education) can become the renaissance field of the 21st century. She makes the case that medicine was a fledgling field prior to 1900, but became the renaissance field of the 20th century. The development of the medical sciences, strong delivery programs (treatment, prevention, and promotion), strong medical training programs, and a strong professional organization were the keys.

At this point in our professional history I believe that Park makes a good point! Health and physical educators are primed to do good things in the years ahead. Our ever-evolving scientific base has grown in recent years, just as medicine’s did in the previous century. We have the support of major medical groups (AMA, AHA, AAP, IOM), governmental groups (CDC, PCFSN, USDHHS), and other well-known public and professional organization (ACSM, NFL, NAK, NAKHE) to name only a few. In addition, the prestigious Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently published two reports related to our field. New standards for teacher education bode well for improved teacher education in our field, a necessary prerequisite for the type of success enjoyed by the field of medicine.

Major initiatives have been implemented in support of Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAPS) with quality physical education as the centerpiece (CDC, AAHPERD). Comprehensive health education is also a strong priority of the CDC and other groups. We have a new cooperative agreement for a Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP) supported by multiple cooperating agencies including AAHPERD, Physical Best, the President’s Council, the Cooper Institute (FITNESSGRAM®), AAU, CDC, and the new National Foundation for Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (NFFSN). Parental support for health and physical education is also strong. According to a Harvard survey, more than 90% of parents support health and physical education in the schools.