Author: Collin Vander Wal

The Value of an Intramural Program for High School Students


As an educator for close to ten years, I (Collin) have coached many sub-varsity teams and for various and real reasons, some student-athletes get less playing time than others by being pushed out or leaving varsity athletics for a variety of reasons including lack of talent and team size restrictions. I am sure this happens all over the country in every sport setting. By adding high school intramurals to the extracurricular options, students will get opportunities to use their athletic skills and build on social skills in a less competitive and fun environment.


Intramural sports in high schools can greatly benefit students, as well as the school. The implementation of high school intramurals is meant to be an additional extracurricular option for non-varsity players and/or “non-athletes” (those that are not out for a school sport). Removing varsity players from the intramural program levels the playing field for other athletes and helps students with little or no experience feel more comfortable when participating. With that, I believe in giving students the chance to create teams, organize gameplay, and be part of activities that they can enjoy for the rest of their life. Being part of a team helps participates grow in confidence, team building/bonding, self-esteem, and provides health benefits. With intramural sports, students can be tasked with creating their own teams and problem solving without a teacher or coach always mediating and controlling the situations.